How Can You Recover Faster?

The modern world puts a lot of pressure on us.

We have 6 weeks to recover, at best, then it’s back to work...

Back to exercise...

Back to family obligations...

All of it.

This hurried mindset is never going to work.

In so many ways, our society simply neglects to consider that we are human organisms. There are actual, physiological limits to how quickly our body heals. 

PLUS… 6 weeks is just the bare minimum of healing time.

When the incisions are healed. It doesn’t consider the physiological healing times for any of these things:

  • Muscle: 1-6 months

  • Tendons (women with fibroids often have tendon damage in the abdomen): 3-6 months

  • Ligaments/fascia: 2–12 months

  • Scar tissue reorganization: 24 months

This is a biologically limited process. We CANNOT SPEED IT UP!

What you can do is improve the QUALITY of your healing. Unfortunately, society sets us up for failure here by creating the expectation that you should "snap back" to normal.

What your body really needs after surgery is 1-2 YEARS of healing guidance through the right exercise, healthy food + adequate rest/stress control.

This doesn’t mean you can’t work.

It doesn’t mean you can’t exercise (you should definitely exercise). 

It doesn’t mean you can’t ever eat unhealthy food.

It DOES mean that what you do at this time matters.

It means you deserve education about how your body should feel after surgery.

You deserve to be empowered to know what to do if you don’t feel right + what sensations to look out for. 

You deserve more than a 10-minute checkup and being told you’re "cleared."

You deserve TIME in your day to plan healthy meals, move your body + get adequate sleep. 

My mission in business is to shift this culture. I want every woman who has surgery, fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, etc. to have good information about what’s really happening in their bodies. I want them to be empowered with holistic tools, like exercise, to feel and move better.

Today I want to ask for your help in that mission.

If you’ve learned something valuable from me… tell a friend, share one of my posts or forward this newsletter.

Even better, tell your doctor!

They have the best intentions, they just don’t know things like this exist, and the system sets us up for failure. If you’ve learned something you wish your surgeon would have told you, tell them. Good doctors value feedback.

To learn more about how I can help you, get in touch with me here.


When Can I Start DOING After My Surgery?


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