Losing Bone in Your 30s?!

Jameela Jamil, a talented actress, recently came out and shared her diagnosis of having bone density issues after looking into her chronic pain.

“20 years of dieting have damaged my bone density,” she pleaded, “do not let diet culture drag you to where I am.”

She’s only 38.
If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably approaching or well into midlife, and I want you to hear Jameela’s message… 

The time is now. 

The choices you make today will impact your future.

Frailty is dangerous. It’s scary. It hurts… It happens sooner than we realize.

No one is more at risk for frailty than a woman going through traumatic, stressful, and confusing health issues, often during the menopausal transition.

Surgery can speed up things like bone and muscle loss, especially if it doesn’t go well. 

Surgery is a time of confusion, emotions, mental health challenges, pain, and fear.

Stop waiting to find support when things are going well. Get the help you need when things are hard.

Future you will be thankful.


My Early Thoughts on Surgery...


My 4-Week Recovery Goal