My Early Thoughts on Surgery...
After months of planning and waiting, I had my hysterectomy last year!
This was my 4th abdominal surgery, and I’ll be honest, every time I have thoughts like this...
“What if I just got lucky last time?”
“What if my preparation doesn’t really matter?”
… Each time, I'm pleasantly surprised by the extent of its impact!
Even if something unexpected happens, having the best function we can prior to surgery will help.
Here are some strategies that have worked for me so far:
Regular squatting exercises have helped me get in/out of my low platform bed with minimal pain + pelvic pressure.
Frequent mobility exercises have already helped me lay flat comfortably and sleep well.
Regular breathing practice has helped me use the restroom with minimal pain and discomfort, even after having scar tissue removed from my bowel.
Arm strength has helped me lift and hold my daughter without creating strain in my abdomen.
At the same time, these things have also been true…
This has been my most painful surgery so far.
I had vaginal tearing during surgery, and there's some discomfort there.
The incision in my belly button is very annoying.
Gas pain has been REEEEAL.
We are able to hold the good AND the bad.
To work hard at preparation and recovery AND still have some things outside our control.
To move forward in one area AND have a setback somewhere else.
To be grateful for healing well AND grieving for what you’ve been through.