Does Bending Over Hurt Your Back?

The most common problem I help women with after a hysterectomy is back pain. 

One of the most common factors that causes back pain is a loss of range of motion in the spine.

Picture your pelvis... If you’ve had a condition like fibroids that makes your pelvis feel bulky, like it’s full of concrete, it starts to get hard to MOVE.

Your spine gets used to not bending or opening up because it simply can’t.

Cue surgery.

The fibroids are removed. The stiffness isn’t.
Sometimes, it takes some careful coaxing through specialized exercises, muscle releases, and scar mobilization to get that spine to loosen back up.

This process usually takes about 90 days, and this is one of the problems we’re often tackling in my 90-Day REVIVAL Program for women after hysterectomy and other gynecological surgery.

If you’re curious about joining the 300+ women I’ve helped feel their best after a hysterectomy, you can schedule a free consultation call to see if this program is right for you.


Does Standing Hurt Your Back?


Signs Of Fibroid Growth