You Probably Don't Need Kegels After Your Hysterectomy…
post-op, hysterectomy Jocelyn Wallace post-op, hysterectomy Jocelyn Wallace

You Probably Don't Need Kegels After Your Hysterectomy…

When you hear pelvic floor, do you immediately think "kegels"?

Yep. Most people do! So they just start doing them, assuming that hysterectomy = weak pelvic floor.

It actually doesn't always work that way, and kegels can sometimes worsen the bladder symptoms, pain, and tightness that can happen after a hysterectomy. Especially in the immediate healing period.

So what should you do instead of kegels? Here are 3 tips!

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What You Need In A Post-Surgery Exercise Program
post-op, hysterectomy Jocelyn Wallace post-op, hysterectomy Jocelyn Wallace

What You Need In A Post-Surgery Exercise Program

Did you know women who’ve had a hysterectomy are at increased risk for common chronic diseases like osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and sarcopenia?

It sounds scary, I know. But we have incredible power over these risks, and simple, sustainable exercise can completely cancel them out! Not to mention protect you from shorter-term risks like prolapse, pain, incontinence and hernias.

Read on to learn the top 3 things every woman should consider in her exercise program.

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