Affirmations For Surgery

I finally scheduled my own hysterectomy! It’s set for May, but I’m hoping it gets moved earlier.

Anyway, I’m a big believer in affirmations. I use them personally and professionally, and I think there’s so much power in living as if the thing has already happened.

This is also surgery number 4 for me, so I’ve given this lots of thought… Here are some affirmations I use around healing:

Affirmations for Surgery Prep:

  • “I am focusing on what I can control to get ready for surgery.”

  • “I trust my surgeon and made an informed, confident choice to have surgery.”

  • “I trust my body to heal at the pace that’s right for me.”

  • “I am an active person and stay committed to my goals even when I don’t feel my best.”

Affirmations for Early Recovery:

  • “I trust my body to send me messages if I need to adjust what I’m doing during healing.”

  • “I make time to take care of my physical health daily, even if it’s stretching in bed.”

  • “I am patient and will not rush my body through my healing.”

  • “I am surrounded by loved ones who are willing and able to help; I deserve their help, and I am not a burden.”

Do you resonate with any of these? Do you have any to add? I’d love to hear from you! 


Holding Tension?


Are You Fit?