Libido After Hysterectomy?
Sex after a hysterectomy is a big worry for people.
I’ll be honest, a lot of women struggle with libido after surgery, but it’s not always for the reasons you may think.
Yes, it can be hormonal or pain-related... but more often, it’s the body’s response to years of accumulated stress.
Affirmations For Surgery
I’m a big believer in affirmations. I use them personally and professionally, and I think there’s so much power in living as if the thing has already happened.
Skin Care + Surgery?
Your skin care routine could be the game changer in reaching your health goals after surgery.
Sex After Hysterectomy
Women are being cleared for sex too early.
At 6 weeks, even if your sutures are healed, the tissue is at about 50% of normal strength.
In fact, sex is the most common cause of vaginal cuff tears.